You might be an introvert…

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I’ve always been known as the shy person in the family. It wasn’t until my adult years that I figured out that yes, I am shy, but I can also be extroverted when needed. I loved to get up on front of a classroom of third graders. Never bothered me a bit. I’ve begun to dance at weddings. Life’s to short to be a stick in the mud. So, I will update from time to time but here is a list of things that prove you might be an introvert.

  1. You can’t stand small talk. I despise social gatherings where I don’t know anyone. I’d do about anything to get out of a situation like that. I can talk about deep subjects, but I don’t have any clue how to make small talk.
  2. Always drive to any event. When attending a social event, you always drive by yourself so you can leave as soon as you can sneak out. Making an appearance is your type of thing.
  3. You enjoy solitude. You love it when you have nothing to do. I get to stay home! I can read, play piano, play with the cats, work a puzzle or anything I want to do. Stare out the window is a great activity too!
  4. You daydream. I daydream about the future. Nothing in particular. If I hear a song from the 1970’s and the 1980’s, my mind travels back in time. I probably have a memory associated with every song.
  5. Too many people wear you out. It’s too people-y out there! Too many people or having lots of time around crowds leaves me feeling drained. I have to get away by myself and recharge.
  6. Self-Aware. I spend a lot of time thinking about myself. Not in a conceited way. I feel like I have insight to my feelings, motivations, how my body feels physically. I’ve spent a lot of time the past three years or so finding “my inner dog”. I use to say that when I took Cookie (our Golden Retriever) for a walk. She would go find her “inner dog” and she was allowed to run loose, and sniff, and dig holes. I haven’t done any of that but I have returned to my hobbies and to things that make me happy.
  7. You enjoy jobs that give you independence. As a teacher, I was surrounded by people all day which meant when I came home, I had to go hide somewhere and recharge. After I resigned from teaching, I knew that I wanted a job with a quiet atmosphere. I found one too!
  8. I think there are different kinds of introverts. Some don’t like crowds. Some spend a lot of time thinking. That would be me. I ponder things all the time. It’s a great quiet past time. Others feel anxious around people. Some overthink a situation and will take f-o-r-e-v-e-r to make a decision.

Are you an introvert? I’d suggest we get together sometime, but it probably won’t happen. LOL! Do leave me a question or comment. I’d love to connect. Don’t forget to sign up for my email messages that alert you when I have added updates to my blog.

Until next time…

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