Hello! Welcome to my world! I’ve always loved the Robert Frost poem about taking the path less traveled. The photo below symbolizes that poem to me. I’ve been on a journey the last 2-3 years to recover from my mental health trauma that turned into physical sickness. That journey would not have been one that I would have chosen. I learned a lot along the way. This blog will be a mixture of many different things because I am a mixture of many different things. First of all, I’m a Christian, an introvert, a wife, mother, mamaw, and sister. I am also a former elementary teacher. I have autoimmune issues which I will talk about. I love to create images on Canva and take landscape photography. You will find a lot of different things on this blog. I am a person with many interests. Stop by and visit here anytime! I enjoy a good conversation. Be sure to sign up to receive emails when new material is added to my website. Don’t forget to leave me a comment or a question. I’d love to connect with you!