Growing up, my family always had dogs. All kinds of mutts. Nothing fancy. I think it all began when my Granny gave us a German Shepherd, we named Buffy. It increased from there! I was always used to hearing barking, growling, and howling. But we never had a cat. I didn’t even know anyone who had a cat except for my great aunt Alene. She had a white cat. I don’t remember his name. Her huge house had 2 staircases. One for the family/guests and a tiny one that led into the kitchen for the “hired help” back in the day. That cat was mean. I stumbled upon that cat on the back staircase. I was just staring at it minding my own business and scared to death of the thing. You know what it did? It scratched me on the shin. Those nails went through my knee-high socks. Blasted cat. Fast forward to adulthood.
Bruce and I had bought our first and only house. He was helping his dad farm one evening after work. It was a pleasant night, and I went outside to sit on the porch. Well, lo and behold, there came a cat up to me. Walked right up to me like we were best friends. Of course, I fed her! Tee hee hee. Bruce was not a cat fan. He was not pleased. I didn’t see the cat again until a few weeks later, that’s when I knew for sure that the cat was female. Yeah. She was pregnant. I kept feeding her. Tee hee hee. She became part of our household and I named her Sugar. Of course I let her into the house. She ended up having 2 kittens upstairs in one of the cubby holes on a set of new towels we had got for a wedding present that I hadn’t put away yet. We kept the kittens and named them Spice and Nugget. We got all 3 cats fixed, but, living on a farm, you just imagine what kept happening. Yep. Stray cats just seemed to find their way to our house. Of course, I fed every one of them! LOL!
Over the years, I have had many cats. Some I was closer to than others. They were all special to me. I know I will leave out some cats on my list. I’ve had WAY too many cats. Some cats, I may remember what they look like but not their name. Here goes, in no particular order:
Sugar, Spice, Nugget, Fur Ball, Stranger, Silver, Midnight Squeaker, Sunny James, Smoky, Curious – who only had 3 legs, Tiger, Mittens, Callie, Cassie, Casper, Oreo, Frost, Bear, Toddles, Snickers, Buttercup, Little Tiny Twilight Rat, Shadow, Stripes, two girl Manx cats that didn’t stick around long. There are more I know. I’ll have to think on it a bit. I’ll check back in with you later to update my list.